1A,Hadigama road,Suwarapola,Piliyandala 071-463-2939 s.spowersolutionslanka@gmail.com


Home Services
Our Services

Custom Power Solutions for Your Successful Business

Maintenance and repair

We would also be responsible for maintaining the power systems that We have installed.

Energy efficiency consulting

As a power solution company, we would be expected to provide energy efficiency consulting services to your clients.

Emergency power solutions

Backup generators or uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), to ensure that critical systems can continue to operate in the event of a power outage.

Installation and commissioning

Once the power system design is complete, you would be responsible for installing the system and ensuring that it is properly commissioned

Renewable energy solutions

With the increasing focus on renewable energy sources, we would also be expected to provide solutions for integrating renewable energy sources.

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1A,Hadigama road,Suwarapola,Piliyandala



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